Os nomes de bebê mais populares a cada ano desde 1925/TipHero

você já se perguntou qual era o nome de bebê mais popular no ano em que você nasceu? Ou quando aterrámos na lua? Ou quando a bolsa de valores caiu? Bem, esta lista em profundidade leva-nos de volta a 1925, para explorar que nomes de bebés eram os mais populares todos os anos desde os 20 rugidos. O seu nome era o mais popular no seu ano de nascimento ou décadas antes? Veja na lista abaixo!


Top Female Names: Mary, Dorothy, Betty

Top Male Names: Robert, John, William

Highest Grossing Movie: Ben-Hur: a Tale of Christ. Pode ter visto o remake desta obra-prima cinematográfica marcante que saiu este ano…ou talvez não tenha visto, porque parece que ninguém viu.


Top Female Names: Mary, Dorothy, Betty

Top Male Names: Robert, John, James

Highest Grossing Movie: Flesh and The Devil. Este filme é sobre um triângulo amoroso emaranhado no exército alemão com assuntos escandalosos e duelos dramáticos, tudo em silêncio.


Top Female Names: Mary, Dorothy, Betty

Top Male Names: Robert, John, James

Highest Grossing Movie: The Jazz Singer, the first ever motion picture with sound, was released.


Top Female Names: Mary, Betty, Dorothy

Top Male Names: Robert, John, James

High Grossing Movie: Another Al Jolson film, The Singing Fool, hits box offices to great success. Além disso, o primeiro desenho do Mickey Mouse, “Steamboat Willie”, é lançado!


Top Female Names: Mary, Betty, Dorothy

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: A melodia da Broadway continua o fluxo de sucessos musicais de filmes, apesar do crash do mercado de ações que começou a Grande Depressão.

Dar ao seu bebé um nome inspirado pelo clássico de Hollywood atrizesoksun70 via Depósito Fotos


Top Nomes Femininos: Maria, Betty, Dorothy

Top de Nomes Masculinos: Robert, James, John

de Maior Bilheteria de Filme: Um dos nossos filmes favoritos, All Quiet on the Western Front, foi lançado para elogios.


Top Female Names: Mary, Betty, Barbara

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Mary Shelley’s classic novel was turned into the first motion picture of the horror film, Frankenstein.


Top Female Names: Mary, Betty, Barbara

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: the classic film, The Shanghai Express, competed against films like the Most Dangerous Game for the highest grossing spot.


Top Female Names: Mary, Betty, Barbara

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: An epic one! O King Kong original é lançado, sem saber que estava destinado a inspirar muitas, muitas sequelas nas próximas décadas.


Top Female Names: Mary, Shirley, Barbara

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: The heartthrob of the moment, Clark Gable, starred in the romantic comedy, It Happened One Night.


Top Female Names: Mary, Shirley, Barbara

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Needless to say, Clark Gable was a busy man in the 1930’s. Outro filme famoso, Mutiny on the Bounty, estrelado por Gable hit theaters este ano.


Top Female Names: Mary, Shirley, Barbara

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Another movie starring Gable! San Francisco se concentra no devastador terremoto de 1906 que aterrorizou a área da Califórnia.


Top Female Names: Mary, Shirley, Patricia (a little change!)

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Disney fans, rejoice! Finalmente chegamos ao primeiro filme de princesa da Disney com a Branca De Neve e os Sete Anões.


Top Female Names: Mary, Barbara, Patricia

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: One of the most famous romantic comedies of all-time, You Can’t Take It With You, premiers.


Top Female Names: Mary, Barbara, Patricia

Top Male Names: Robert, James, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Agarrem-se aos chapéus, senhoras e senhores, e tudo o vento foi lançado em 1939, mudando para sempre o campo de jogo cinematográfico. (Este é um dos meus filmes favoritos no mundo, fato divertido.)

Dar ao seu bebé um nome inspirado pelo clássico de estrelas de Hollywoodpitrs10 via Depósito Fotos


Top Nomes Femininos: Maria, Bárbara, Patrícia

Top de Nomes Masculinos: James, Robert, John

de Maior Bilheteria de Filme: os filmes Disney, reinou este ano, com o Pinóquio e Fantasia amarrando para o filme de maior bilheteria.


Top Female Names: Mary, Barbara, Patricia nomes masculinos: James, Robert, John

filme de maior bilheteria: Sargento York segue a história corajosa de um herói da Primeira Guerra Mundial, que foi um dos soldados mais condecorados da guerra.


Top Female Names: Mary, Barbara, Patricia

Top Male Names: James, Robert, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Disney strikes again with the tear jerking film, Bambi.


Top Female Names: Mary, Barbara, Patricia

Top Male Names: James, Robert, John

Highest Grossing Movie: O famoso romance de Ernest Hemingway, por quem os sinos dobram, é transformado em um filme dramático e bonito.


Top Nomes Femininos: Maria Barbara, Linda

Top de Nomes Masculinos: James, Robert, John

de Maior Bilheteria de Filme: Tudo lindo Technicolor, o título do filme Meet Me in St. Louis tornou-se um dos filmes mais emblemáticos da década de 1940.


Top Nomes Femininos: Maria, Linda, Bárbara

Top de Nomes Masculinos: James, Robert, John

de Maior Bilheteria de Filme: Bing Crosby do clássico do cinema, Os Sinos de santa Maria, ganha o topo de honra deste ano.


Top Nomes Femininos: Maria, Linda, Patricia

Top de Nomes Masculinos: James, Robert, John

de Maior Bilheteria de Filme: muito oportuna filme, Os Melhores Anos de Nossas Vidas, segue dois a II Guerra Mundial veterinários reintrodução da sociedade, logo após a segunda guerra mundial foi, na verdade, terminou.


Top Female Names: Linda, Mary, Patricia

Top Male Names: James, Robert, John

Highest Grossing Movie: A comedy/musical/drama/action film, The Road to Rio, features of two musical stowaways on a boat to Rio.


Top Female Names: Linda, Mary, Barbara

nomes masculinos: James, Robert, John

filme de maior bilheteria: o bom e velho John Wayne começa no hit Western, Red River.


Top Female Names: Linda, Mary, Patricia

Top Male Names: James, Robert, John

Highest Grossing Movie: This action / drama follows the tormented path of these two famous, Biblical lovers in Samson and Delilah.


Top Female Names: Linda, Mary, Patricia

Top Male Names: James, Robert, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Disney’s favorite princess, Cinderela, makes her big screen debut.


Top Female Names: Linda, Mary, Patricia

Top Male Names: James, Robert, John

Highest Grossing Movie: The Latin phrase meaning ” Where are you going?”foi também o épico Mais popular do ano, chamado Quo Vadis.


Top Female Names: Linda, Mary, Patricia

Top Male Names: James, Robert, John

Highest Grossing Movie: A dazzling glimpse into life behind the scenes of Barnum and Bailey’s Circus is captured in the Greatest Show on Earth.


Top Female Names: Mary, Linda, Deborah

Top Male Names: Robert, James, Michael

filme de maior bilheteria: o público voou para a terra do Nunca com o lançamento de Peter Pan da Disney.


Top Female Names: Mary, Linda, Deborah

Top Male Names: Michael, James, Robert

Highest Grossing Movie: One of the most famous thrillers of all time, Rear Window, keeps 1954 audiences on the edge of their seat.


Top Female Names: Mary, Deborah, Linda

Top Male Names: Michael, David, James

Highest Grossing Movie: Lady and the Trampugged on the heartstrings of adults and children alike.


Top Female Names: Mary, Deborah, Linda

Top Male Names: Michael, James, Robert

Highest Grossing Movie: The first cinematic telling of Moses leading the exodus out of Egypt wows crowds in the Ten Commandments.


Top Nomes Femininos: Maria, Susan, Linda

Top de Nomes Masculinos: Miguel, Tiago Davi

de Maior Bilheteria de Filme: A Ponte sobre o Rio Kwai foi um comovente drama histórico sobre prisioneiros de guerra, mantido em cativeiro na Birmânia, durante a II Guerra Mundial.


Top Nomes Femininos: Maria, Susan, Linda

Top Nomes Masculinos: Michael, David, James

filme de maior bilheteria: um dos musicais mais prolíficos e românticos de todos os tempos, South Pacific, atinge a tela grande.


Top Female Names: Mary, Susan, Linda

Top Male Names: Michael, David, James

Highest Grossing Movie: Ben-Hur makes another come back over three decades later!

baby PopSugar


Top Female Names: Mary, Susan, Linda

Top Male Names: David, Michael, James

Highest Grossing Movie: O drama de disfarces divertido, A Família Robinson, rouba o coração do público em todo o país.


Top Female Names: Mary, Lisa, Susan

Top Male Names: Michael, David, John

Highest Grossing Movie: Disney strikes again with 101 Dálmatas.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Mary, Susan

Top Male Names: Michael, David, John

Highest Grossing Movie: The historical invasion of Normandy, France is brought to life in the film The Longest Day.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Mary, Susan

Top Male Names: Michael, John, David

filme de maior bilheteria: o glamour de Hollywood foi personificado através do papel de título icônico de Elizabeth Taylor em Cleópatra.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Mary, Susan

Top Male Names: Michael, John, David

Highest Grossing Movie: The marvelous Julie Andrews brings our favorite magical nanny to the screen in Mary Poppins.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Mary, Karen

Top Male Names: Michael, John, David

Highest Grossing Movie: Andrews continues her streak of iconic roles in her next landmark film, The Sound of Music.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Kimberly, Mary

Top Male Names: Michael, David, James

Highest Grossing Movie: One of Clint Eastwood’s most famous Westerns, The Good, Bad, and The Ugly, hits theaters.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Kimberly, Michelle

Top Male Names: Michael, David, James

Highest Grossing Movie: Disney shows us the story of Mowgli in The Jungle Book, which was just this year made into an amazing live-action film.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Michelle, Kimberly

Top Male Names: Michael, David, John

filme de maior bilheteria: os dois filmes que compartilharam a maior bilheteria são ambos filmes incríveis! Tanto a garota engraçada de Barbara Streisand e o épico 2001: Uma odisseia espacial leva o prêmio.


Top Female Names: Lisa, Michelle, Jennifer

Top Male Names: Michael, David, James

Highest Grossing Movie: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid continua a ser um dos Westerns mais famosos de todos os tempos.

Baby GirlFlickr via user ARING


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Lisa, Kimberly top Male Names: Michael, James, David

Highest Grossing Movie: One of the first modern romantic comedies is released in Love Story.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Michelle, Lisa

Top Male Names: Michael, James, David

Highest Grossing Movie: Sean Connery as James Bond makes a splash in Diamonds are Forever.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Michelle, Lisa

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, James

Highest Grossing Movie: O famoso drama mafioso de Francis Ford Coppola, O Padrinho, muda o mundo cinematográfico.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Amy, Michelle

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Jason

Highest Grossing Movie: Terrificing horror film, The Exorcist, shocks audiences everywhere. Confia em nós, ainda está horrível hoje!


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Amy, Michelle

Top Male Names: Michael, Jason, Christopher

Highest Grossing Movie: Mel Brooks’ comedy Blazing Saddles satirizes classic Westerns in this piece of comedic gold.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Amy, Heather

Top Male Names: Michael, Jason, Christopher

Highest Grossing Movie: the 70’s were a decade of classic films, like the iconic horror movie, Jaws. Vamos precisar de um barco maior, pessoal.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Amy, Melissa

Top Male Names: Michael, Jason, Christopher

Highest Grossing Movie: The world found a hero to root for in Rocky.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Melissa, Amy

Top Male Names: Michael, Jason, Christopher

filme de maior bilheteria: ninguém poderia ter previsto o movimento cultural que este filme de underdog poderia ter causado. Talvez já tenha ouvido falar? É um pequeno filme independente chamado Star Wars.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Melissa, Jessica

Top Male Names: Michael, Jason, Christopher

Highest Grossing Movie: Everyone wanted to be a T-Bird or a Pink Lady thanks to (arguably) the best movie-musical of all time, Grease.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Melissa, Amanda

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Jason

filme de maior bilheteria: um dos filmes mais populares de todos os tempos, o drama familiar honesto Kramer vs. Kramer roubou os corações de milhões.

Bebê sorri para a câmeraWikiMedia


Top Nomes Femininos: Jennifer, Amanda, Jessica

Top de Nomes Masculinos: Michael, Christopher, Jason

de Maior Bilheteria de Filme: Este década de excesso começa com um enorme sucesso, Star Wars: Episódio V – O Império contra-Ataca


Top Nomes Femininos: Jennifer, Jessica, Amanda

Top Nomes Masculinos: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

highest Grossing Movie: The handsome professor, Indiana Jones, is introduced to the world in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Jessica, Amanda

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: E. T.: The Extra Terrestrial gave us an…Otherworld experience.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Jessica, Amanda

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: the sci-fi fandom goes nuts for the next installation of Star Wars in Star Wars: Episódio VI-regresso dos Jedi.


Top Female Names: Jennifer, Jessica, Ashley

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: Who ya gonna call? O filme de maior bilheteria de 1984, Os Caça-Fantasmas. Duh.


Top Female Names: Jessica, Ashley, Jennifer

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: Audiences went back in time with the charming Marty McFly in Back to the Future.nomes femininos de topo: Jessica, Ashley, Amanda nomes masculinos de topo: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: we got to follow the breathtaking action of Goose and Maverick in the flashy action film, Top Gun.


Top Female Names: Jessica, Ashley, Amanda

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: The tie goes to comedy Three Men and a Baby and the sexy action/thriller, Fatal Attraction.nomes femininos de topo: Jessica, Ashley, Amanda nomes masculinos de topo: Michael, Christopher, Matthew filme de maior bilheteria: Tom Cruise e Dustin Hoffman fizeram performances extraordinárias no filme vencedor do Oscar, Rain Man.


Top Female Names: Jessica, Ashley, Brittany

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: Two heroes had to share the number one spot this year with Batman and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.

Cristin Lola


Top Female Names: Jessica, Ashley, Brittany

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: O pobre Kevin enfrenta algumas provações e tribulações no Natal na comédia da família, sozinha em casa.


Top Female Names: Ashley, Jessica, Brittany

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: He was not lying – Arnold came back in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.


Top Female Names: Ashley, Jessica, Amanda

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: Our favorite street urchin goes on an incredible adventure in Disney’s Aladdin.


Top Female Names: Jessica, Ashley, Sarah, os nomes masculinos mais altos: Michael, Christopher, Matthew, O Filme de maior bilheteria: eles não pouparam despesas no filme mais épico do ano, Jurassic Park.


Top Female Names: Jessica, Ashley, Emily

Top Male Names: Michael, Christopher, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: Two powerhouse films, Forest Gump and The Lion King, tie for first place.


Top Female Names: Jessica, Ashley, Emily

Top Male Names: Michael, Matthew, Christopher

Highest Grossing Movie: Buzz and Woody capture our hearts in Toy Story.


Top Female Names: Emily, Jessica, Ashley

Top Male Names: Michael, Matthew, Jacob

Highest Grossing Movie: Natural disasters (some of an extraterrestrial variety…) are popular this year in Independence Day and Twister.


Top Female Names: Emily, Jessica, Ashley

Top Male Names: Michael, Jacob, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: we were all swept away in one of the greatest romances of our in Titanic. nomes femininos de topo: Emily, Hannah, Samantha nomes masculinos de topo: Michael, Jacob, Matthew

filme de maior bilheteria: um dos filmes mais traumatizantes de todos os tempos, salvando o Soldado Ryan, mudou a Academia.


Top Female Names: Emily, Hannah, Alexis

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: Naturally, the next installment of Star Wars – Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace – took the top spot this year.

linda menina perto da cama.


Top Female Names: Emily, Hannah, Madison

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Matthew

filme de maior bilheteria: Jim Carey trouxe um clássico Dr. Seuss para a vida em Como O Grinch Roubou o Natal.


Top Female Names: Emily, Madison, Hannah

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Matthew

Highest Grossing Movie: My personal favorite series of all-time, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone transported audiences to Hogwarts and back.


Top Female Names: Emily, Madison, Hannah

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Joshua

Highest Grossing Movie: Peter Parker tornou-se o herói de Nova Iorque no primeiro filme do Homem-Aranha.


Top Female Names: Emily, Emma, Madison

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Joshua

Highest Grossing Movie: The end of the epic Lord of the Rings series concludes with Return of The King.


Top Female Names: Emily, Emma, Madison

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Joshua

Highest Grossing Movie: Everyody’s favorite ogre returned to theaters in Shrek 2.


Top Female Names: Emily, Emma, Madison

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Joshua

Highest Grossing Movie: Another Star Wars installment kills at the box office in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.


Top Female Names: Emily, Emma, Madison

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Joshua

Highest Grossing Movie: the second installment of the pirate action series, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, took the top spot this year.


Top Female Names: Emily, Isabella, Emma

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Ethan

Highest Grossing Movie: Toby McGuire termina sua corrida como o web-slinger no Spiderman 3.


Top Female Names: Emily, Isabella, Emma

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Ethan

Highest Grossing Movie: In this year of the second largest stock market crash in history, audiences had the hero Gotham neededed to take their mind off real-life struggles in the Dark Knight.


Top Female Names: Emma, Isabella, Emily

Top Male Names: Jacob, Michael, Ethan

Highest Grossing Movie: O filme multimilionário que iniciou uma nova geração de animação cinematográfica foi encontrado no épico Avatar.

a criança dorme no berço.


Top Female Names: Isabella, Sophia, Emma

Top Male Names: Jacob, Ethan, Michael

Highest Grossing Movie: 90’s kids everywhere feel the nostalgia with Toy Story 3.


Top Female Names: Sophia, Isabella, Emma

Top Male Names: Jacob, Mason, William

Highest Grossing Movie: A série épica Harry Potter termina com o blockbuster mágico Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte, Parte 2.


Top Female Names: Sophia, Emma, Isabella

Top Male Names: Jacob, Mason, Ethan

Highest Grossing Movie: Marvel begins their cinematic reign with The Avengers.


Top Female Names: Sophia, Emma, Olivia

Top Male Names: Noah, Liam, Jacob

Highest Grossing Movie: Audiences arraiged for the brave Katiness Everdeen of District 12 in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.


Top Female Names: Emma, Olivia, Sophia nomes masculinos: Noah, Liam, Mason, filme de maior bilheteria: filme de guerra do Iraque, o franco-atirador americano deu um olhar severo dentro da guerra no Oriente Médio.


Top Female Names: Emma, Olivia, Sophia

Top Male Names: Noah, Liam, Ethan

Highest Grossing Movie: Star Wars made an epic comeback with Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.

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